Which specialization is best in PGDM?
If you’ve ultimately selected to get yourself enrolled for a PGDM, the next question you were asking yourself is " Which Specialization is best in PGDM for me "? You are at byroad when you have to decide between the multiple options that colleges are offering. In the future, your work profile, organization, pay scale, etc. will completely depend on the specialization which you have selected. Let’s get an elemental understanding of which specialization satisfies you the most. A PGDM specialization depends upon your area of interest. Most of the students think that they can work in any area provided they have an adequate salary. But, this is not the right way. A few years down the line, you would be disappointed if you do not like the job. Do not make a decision based on the money factor and how you can make a decision? Always go for your interest and if you are confused about interest, do not bother. Firstly, connect with your seniors who are working in different fields an